For meaningful improvement from the effects of trauma, anxiety, depression, and other disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy has shown better results than psychotropic medications. Because instead of treating the symptoms, CBT focuses on the internal narratives of the mind, showing that automatic, reoccurring thoughts can cause much suffering. CBT aims to change thinking patterns and patterns of learned behavior and thus teaches better coping mechanisms for recognizing the thought and changing its outcome.

How does CBT work?

CBT is a form of psychotherapy or talk- therapy. The therapist and their client work together and focus on the thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes of the person’s feelings and behaviors. The main source of CBT tackles is the person’s present thoughts and feelings rather than past events. Most forms of psychotherapy focus on the past to help clients understand their current feelings. CBT in practice is a broad concept, where it focuses on how their thoughts affect their present situation and challenges. CBT is about recognizing the current patterns of behavior and changing those behaviors for better outcomes.

CBT incorporates different learning tools to help clients learn unique ways of handling challenges. Some of the most common tools used include:

CBT can treat a variety of mental conditions and help reduce their symptoms over time, such as:

CBT is based on facing psychological problems rooted in unhelpful ways of thinking, unhelpful behaviors, and ineffective coping mechanisms. Each practice will use different strategies for their clients, but the main goal of CBT is for the therapist and client to work together towards their goals, and develop treatment strategies that will produce more positive results.

Common Questions About CBT

What can’t CBT treat? – Cognitive-behavioral therapy can’t treat every problem in the office. It requires a commitment to the coping mechanisms and recognition of thought patterns to provide longer-lasting results for the client. For patients seeking to understand the underlying causes of their stress, CBT does not treat those forms of distress, nor is it a substitute for pharmacotherapy.

Can CBT be combined with medication? – Yes, it can be combined with medication based on the person’s medical history and current recovery. The medication can be used to stabilize clients to help understand their current thoughts and behaviors in CBT.

Is CBT treatment good for children? – Yes, and in fact can help children who have ADHD and autism. Parents can cooperate with the child’s therapist and form more interactive activities for them to help them learn about their thoughts and behavior.

How We Can Help with CBT

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help by teaching clients to be their own therapists. Our practice aims to give our clients the tools they need to develop healthy coping skills, change their thinking patterns, and recognize their emotions and behavior for a better outlook. With CBT, it’s about moving forward, and through our therapists, we can help our clients face their fears and find a greater sense of confidence.

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