
If you have landed here on our website looking for answers, you may be addicted to alcohol. Treatment is possible.  

EXODUS Behavioral Health can help you reclaim your life, your family and your career. 

We are just the place you have been looking for and we are honored that you’ve found us. 

How We Can Help

We specialize in helping our clients who are struggling with substance abuse problems, including alcohol addiction. Our team of addiction counselors, peers and mental health experts can provide multiple approaches to the rehabilitation of those who are suffering from alcohol abuse. We are here to help you make changes to the behaviors that trigger your “need” to drink, including managing you level of stress and how you choose to deal with it. We can help you establish a strong support system to stand by you through these challenges and work with you to establish goals and aid you on your road to achieving them.

Do not let an addiction to alcohol take control of your life; call us today to get started on your road to recovery!

Alcohol Addiction And You

There are two ways of defining moderation by the day and by the week. In general, moderation is described as one drink a day for women or two drinks a day for men. So what does this mean if you only go out drinking with friends on the weekend or once in a while? Simply put, if you drink in excess of 7 or 14 drinks a week (depending on your gender), you are not drinking moderately. You are also considered to be drinking out of moderation if you consume more than three or four drinks on any given day out of the week.

A drink is typically classified as:

How We Can Help

We specialize in helping our clients who are struggling with substance abuse problems, including alcohol addiction. Our team of mental health experts is able to provide multiple approaches to the rehabilitation of those who are suffering from alcohol abuse. We can help you make changes to those behaviors that trigger your need to drink, including handling stress. We can help you establish a strong support system to stand by you through these challenges and work with you to establish goals and aid you on your road to achieving them. Your treatment path will be determined by the severity of your symptoms and the decision of you and your provider.

How Do I Know If I’m Addicted To Alcohol?

Over 16 million Americans suffer from Alcohol addiction, a number which includes all adolescents and adults affected by this condition. There are a number of indicators that can tell you if it’s time to see a professional for help. Some of the most common include:

The more items on this list that you can identify with, the more likely you are to be suffering from alcohol addiction.

Side Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Aside from the social and financial consequences associated with the immoderate consumption of alcohol, there are some medical side-effects. Many of these side-effects are life-altering or even life-threatening even without considering the potential of an alcohol-related accident. Common symptoms of alcohol addiction include:

If you’re worried that you may be working through alcohol addiction, it’s time to reach out to our office to get help. Our team of expert mental health care providers has extensive experience in helping people address and overcome their struggles with addiction. Don’t let an addiction to alcohol take control of your life; call us today to get started on your road to recovery!

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